A Sponsor is an individual or organization who agrees to commit money, pay a fee, or cover the cost of an award in return for recognition.
This topic covers the procedures for setting up the drop-down lists in the Sponsors tab. The Sponsors tab has one child form: sponsor types.
Once you expand the child forms under the Faculty Tab, you can see icons that allow you to perform the following actions on the page:
goto record icon to view that record's profile page. |
edit icon to edit a record on the child form. |
linked headings to sort the records. |
The type of project or activity that an organization pays for in return for advertising e.g. a sponsor may pay for coffee and donuts during a break session, pay for door prizes or sponsor the registration table.
Example: Examples of sponsor types: luncheon, silent auction, registration, food and beverage, dinner, sessions, door prizes, golf cart etc...
To Add a Sponsor Type: